Furnace Keeps Turning on and off.

Furnace Keeps Turning on and off ? Find out why and how to fix it.

Homeowners frequently worry about a Furnace Keeps Turning on and off. It’s critical to solve this issue right away, especially as the cold winter months approach.

Furnace brief cycling is a phenomenon that can be confusing and disruptive. Your furnace functions during short cycling, then abruptly stops, just to restart the cycle seemingly at random.

At a glance: Furnace Keeps Turning on and off due to Furnace short cycling,heating system is incorrectly sized,Blockages in the chimney or air vents of the furnace,A corroded or damaged flame sensor or The furnace is too old and needs replacement.

It’s important to understand that a furnace may inevitably turn on and off as part of normal use to maintain the ideal temperature in your home.

Related Post>>>>Honeywell Thermostat connection failure.

But when the furnace begins acting erratically, turning on when it shouldn’t, or refusing to turn off when the control panel is turned off, it raises concerns about possible problems with the furnace or the thermostat that controls it.

To accurately diagnose and resolve the issue in such circumstances, it is essential to seek the advice of a competent professional.

In this post, it’s crucial to comprehend and fix the problem of a furnace that keeps going on and off if you want to make sure that your house is warm and cozy during the cooler months.

why Furnace Keeps Turning on and off.

1.Furnace short cycling.

Your furnace may be short cycling and not turning on for a variety of possible reasons.

Let’s see why

Clogged furnace filters.

There are a number of underlying causes for the furnace phenomena of repeated on/off cycles. The main offenders in this situation are frequently clogged furnace filters.

These filters, despite their apparent invisibility, have a big impact on how the furnace works. The effective passage of the air that the furnace has laboriously heated is hampered as they accumulate more dirt and debris.

Due to internal temperature detecting mechanisms, the furnace now believes it has generated enough heat to maintain the ideal indoor climate. As a result, it continues to turn off.

In your home, the clogged filters deviate from this premise, making it difficult for hot air to circulate. As a result, your home’s temperature drops faster than you had anticipated, which forces the furnace to restart via thermostat.

Deciphering the complex puzzle of a furnace that continuously cycles on and off requires an understanding of the crucial role these filters play in the operation of your heating system.

Furnace thermostat failure.

One frequently found root cause of the perplexing situation where a furnace repeatedly turns on and off is a broken thermostat. This frequent offender can start a troubling loop in which the furnace tries to start up its heating process but then abruptly shuts down shortly after.

The broken thermostat, which controls and transmits temperature data to the furnace, may unintentionally produce false signals.

The problem of the furnace frequently turning on and off can be made worse by these inaccurate cues, which can cause the furnace to ignite when it is not actually necessary.

Untangling the intricate dynamics of why a furnace operates in this way requires an understanding of the potential effects of a malfunctioning thermostat.

To get steady and reliable heating in your home, you must recognize and treat this specific problem.

Also read>>>HoneyWell Thermostat Blank Screen.

2.Your heating system is incorrectly sized.

The capacity and sizing of the heating system in relation to the space it serves are a few of contributing variables when dealing with the annoying problem of a furnace that keeps turning on and off. Understanding why brief cycling persists depends critically on these factors.

First off, if your heating system is trying to heat a room bigger than it can heat, the furnace can keep short cycling.

In this case, the system makes an effort to maintain the required temperature in a space that is larger than it can efficiently heat.

In an unsuccessful attempt to create the correct atmosphere, the furnace consequently repeatedly switches on and off, producing an uncomfortable pattern.

On the other hand, an enormous furnace, one that is larger than is necessary for the size of your home, can also cause the annoying issue of short cycling. In such circumstances, the furnace produces too much heat for the area it is intended to heat.

The thermostat’s temperature setting is easily satisfied by this excess heat, resulting in repeated furnace on/off cycles.

3.Blockages in the chimney or air vents of the furnace.

The requirement for proper air circulation within the system is another potential element causing the problem of a furnace that keeps turning on and off.

Furnaces require a constant flow of air for cooling and exhaust, and when this vital circulation is blocked, it can have effects akin to those of clogged filters.

In this situation, clogged air vents or chimneys are frequently at blame. Various external factors, such as bird or mouse nests, can hinder these vital ventilation system components in the furnace. Such obstructions prevent the natural airflow that the furnace needs to operate at its best.

The furnace’s activity is consequently interrupted, which causes the repetitive cycling on and off that characterizes the current issue.

Also read>>>>Furnace Fan Won’t Turn On.

4.A corroded or damaged flame sensor.

The operation of the flame sensor is another probable cause of the chronic problem of a furnace that repeatedly turns on and off.

This important component is in charge of keeping an eye on the furnace flame’s presence and duration. However, it can provide the controller with erroneous feedback if it becomes malfunctioning, damaged, or corroded.

As a result of these errors, the sensor may mistakenly notify the controller to turn off the gas supply, prematurely putting out the flame.

The thermostat keeps sending signals for the furnace to restart in spite of this abrupt shutdown since it is not aware of the damaged sensor. As a result, a repeating cycle develops in which the furnace rapidly alternates between turning on and off.

Understanding the operation of the flame sensor and any potential issues with it helps to clarify the complex dynamics behind the frustrating behavior that a furnace could display when it keeps turning on and off.

A furnace that has problems with this sensor may have an unfavorable cycle that interferes with its performance, resulting in the frustrating situation of an inconsistent heating pattern.

Also read>>>>>Why Won’t My Furnace Turn On.

5.The furnace is too old and needs replacement.

A furnace can eventually age to the point where it stops working properly, unexpectedly starts up, and displays other aging signs and persistent issues. There isn’t much you can do in this situation but get a new furnace.

What are the risks of Furnace Keeps Turning on and off?

In summary, the problem of Furnace Keeps Turning on and off shouldn’t be overlooked because it can result in a number of negative consequences, such as financial strain, increased wear and tear, and the possibility for a dangerous fire hazard.

A clue that something is wrong and needs care with your heating system is when a furnace cycles on and off irregularly. Ignoring a furnace that is turning on and off by itself may have a number of unfavourable effects.

Beyond merely the discomfort of uneven heating, having a furnace that alternately switches on and off can have a number of unsettling effects. These effects can include everything from financial hardships to potential safety risks.

First, it’s important to note the effect on your utility costs. Overly frequent or short-cycle operation of a furnace uses more fuel than is necessary.

The greater heating costs caused by this wasteful fuel use will result in a hefty utility bill on your subsequent billing cycle. Such inefficiency might have a significant negative financial impact.

Additionally, prolonged operation of the furnace brought on by brief cycling or numerous restarts can result in overheating.

The furnace puts too much stress on its own parts when it runs more frequently than it was intended to and runs the risk of injuring other important components as well.

This accelerated rate of wear and tear could have serious repercussions, including an early failure of the furnace or expensive maintenance and repair costs.

There is a crucial safety factor to take into account in addition to financial considerations. An automatically starting, overheated furnace poses a serious fire risk to your house.

The increased heat has the ability to cause a fire to start by pushing some components to the point of combustion. This poses a serious risk to your property as well as to the security of your family.

To preserve your heating system’s effectiveness and safety, you must take immediate action to fix this issue.

Also read>>>>Furnace Shuts Off After 30 Seconds.

What to do when a Furnace Keeps Turning on and off?

As we have seen, it can be difficult and have negative effects when a furnace turns on by itself. So what can you do if these problems with your furnace start to occur? 

Some of the potential causes are fixable with your help, but others call for a technician to examine your furnace.

-Check The Filters

A duty that is fully within the purview of homeowner duties is inspecting and maintaining the filters in your furnace. It’s important to emphasize that, in an ideal world, the necessity for this common duty should be reduced by routine, expert maintenance of your furnace and heating system.

The filters are typically given the proper attention by a competent technician during routine maintenance visits.

As part of the thorough servicing process, they are either cleaned or replaced. In addition to ensuring that the filters are in top shape, this reduces the possibility of the furnace going on and off frequently owing to clogs or blockages.

Essentially, while individuals can and should perform their own filter checks, having your furnace regularly serviced by a professional can help reduce the aggravation of a furnace that continually turns on and off.

Professional maintenance is a wise investment in the effectiveness and lifespan of your heating system because it not only repairs filter concerns but also thoroughly assesses the entire system.

Also read>>>Thermostat Turned Off But Still Blowing Air.

Check your Thermostat Settings.

Consider the complex function that the thermostat programming and settings play in this problem when a furnace repeatedly displays the behavior of turning on and off, especially if you have a programmable thermostat installed.

While a useful tool for maximizing house heating, the programmable thermostat occasionally experiences errors or has the wrong settings.

The furnace may start to operate at erratic and unexpected times if the thermostat program or settings are incorrect.

You might need to carefully reprogram the thermostat and reset it in order to correct this condition. The temperature schedules and settings must be carefully examined and modified in this stage to suit your heating requirements and preferences.

You can work to solve the annoying issue of a furnace that is constantly going on and off by addressing probable problems with the thermostat’s programming, resulting in a more reliable and effective heating experience in your house.

Service the Furnace

Many issues that cause a furnace to behave unpredictably, such as the problem with it turning on by itself, may require the knowledge of a licensed HVAC specialist to be resolved.

While routine furnace maintenance greatly reduces the likelihood of many of these operating hitches, occasionally problems might arise that are difficult to identify and fix on your own.

When dealing with complex furnace problems, the value of hiring qualified HVAC specialists is made abundantly clear.

These knowledgeable specialists have the skills and equipment needed to analyze and identify complicated system issues, such the furnace going on and off repeatedly.

Their expertise enables them to identify the underlying causes, which might range from flawed parts to complex electrical or sensor failures.

A further benefit of routine furnace maintenance is that it saves you money. It enables your HVAC company to regularly evaluate the functionality and health of your heating system.

Technicians can give you important information about the furnace’s health and alert you when it might be nearing the end of its useful life through these routine inspections.

By taking a proactive approach, you can prevent unforeseen breakdowns and heating system disruptions by being well-informed about prospective replacement needs.

The furnace keeps shutting on and off and needs to be reset.

The majority of modern furnaces include a complex network of electronics and circuitry that regulates its functions, which can become caught in a programming loop.

Turning off the furnace’s main power for at least 10 seconds and then turning it back on will do a hard reset. By doing so, the circuitry in the furnace will be reset, and the systems will return to their initial configuration.

Also read>>>>Thermostat clicks but furnace doesn’t turn on.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Why does my furnace keep turning on and off?

Answer: A furnace that repeatedly turns on and off, a phenomenon known as short cycling, can be caused by various factors, including clogged filters, a faulty thermostat, system capacity mismatch, blocked chimneys or vents, and issues with the flame sensor.

Can I fix a furnace that short cycles on my own?

Answer: Some simple maintenance tasks like changing filters can be done by homeowners. However, for complex issues like a malfunctioning thermostat or flame sensor, it’s best to consult a certified HVAC technician.

How does a clogged filter affect my furnace?

Answer: Clogged filters obstruct the flow of air through the furnace, leading it to shut off prematurely. This can result in the furnace repeatedly turning on and off as it tries to maintain the desired temperature.

What are the consequences of a furnace that short cycles?

Answer: Short cycling can lead to higher utility bills, overheating of the furnace, potential damage to other components, and even the risk of a fire hazard in extreme cases.

How can I prevent furnace issues like short cycling?

Answer: Regular professional servicing of your furnace can help prevent many operational problems. Technicians can identify and address issues before they become major problems and can also provide insights into when your furnace might need replacement.

Can a malfunctioning thermostat cause a furnace to turn on and off erratically?

Answer: Yes, a malfunctioning thermostat can send incorrect signals to the furnace, causing it to fire up when unnecessary, resulting in the furnace cycling on and off unexpectedly.

Is it important to reset and reprogram my thermostat if my furnace keeps turning on and off?

Answer: Yes, if you have a programmable thermostat and it’s causing your furnace to operate irregularly, resetting and reprogramming it may be necessary to resolve the issue and ensure consistent heating.


In conclusion, sustaining comfort and safety in our homes requires an awareness of the many mechanisms that cause a furnace to continuously switch on and off.

This annoying problem can be caused by a variety of elements, including clogged filters, broken thermostats, inadequate system sizing, blocked vents, and malfunctioning parts.

While some maintenance activities can be completed by homeowners, thorough diagnosis and resolution frequently require the assistance of experienced HVAC specialists.

Regular furnace maintenance not only helps to prevent many of these issues, but it also offers important information about how well the system is functioning as a whole.

We can assure effective, dependable, and secure heating in our homes while reducing unforeseen utility expenditures and potential risks by taking these concerns head-on.