Thermostat Keeps Clicking.

Troubleshooting a Thermostat That Keeps Clicking.

To begin, it’s important to note that in certain situations, it’s entirely customary for your thermostat to produce a clicking sound. This is due to the fact that your thermostat serves as a central control hub for your HVAC system.It sends a 24V power signal to various components based on temperature settings and sensor readings. Therefore,Thermostat Keeps Clicking should not worry you anymore.

When the indoor temperature falls below or exceeds your designated temperature, a 24V power signal is dispatched to activate your furnace or air conditioner.

At a glance: Thermostat Keeps Clicking due to Thermostats battery,Thermostat Placement,A Loss of Power,An Interrupted Gas Supply,Dirty Filters or Dirty Condenser Coil.

Within your thermostat, there is a relay responsible for opening and closing, which in turn delivers power to the appropriate appliance, allowing it to provide the required heating or cooling.

The clicking sound you hear is a direct result of this relay switch’s mechanical operation. If this is the only noise you’re hearing, a simple click-click as your HVAC system cycles on, then there’s no need to be concerned. You can either get accustomed to it or find a location where the sound is less noticeable.

However, what should you do when the clicking becomes incessant? Let’s explore some potential causes and solutions to help you maintain your peace of mind. The positive news is that in certain cases, you might be able to resolve the issue on your own.

Also read>>>Thermostat Says Heat On But No Heat.

Why Thermostat Keeps Clicking.

As mentioned above, some issues are simple and easily remedied. I’ll run through them first and then get to the more problematic and potentially serious issues.

1.Battery Powered Thermostats.

If you have a battery-powered thermostat, the constant clicking you’re experiencing could be a clear sign of dead or dying batteries. Here’s a breakdown of this issue and a solution to address it:


Dead or Dying Batteries Battery-powered thermostats rely on a stable power source to function correctly. When the batteries in your thermostat become depleted, it can lead to erratic behavior, including incessant clicking.

This happens because the thermostat is struggling to maintain power to perform its essential functions, which includes sending signals to your HVAC system.


Battery Replacement The solution is straightforward but vital. Replace the batteries in your thermostat with fresh ones, typically of the same type (e.g., AA or AAA).

After installing the new batteries, pay attention to the clicking situation. If the clicking has ceased, you have successfully identified and resolved the problem.

It’s important to note that you should regularly check and replace the batteries in your battery-powered thermostat as part of routine maintenance.

This simple step can help prevent not only clicking issues but also any disruptions in your HVAC system’s operation due to power-related problems.

By keeping your thermostat powered, you ensure it can effectively communicate with your heating and cooling equipment, maintaining a comfortable and energy-efficient indoor environment.

2.Thermostat Placement.

The placement of your thermostat within your home plays a crucial role in its proper functioning. The ideal location for your thermostat is one where it can accurately sense the room temperature.

This usually means it should be positioned near an air intake or return, allowing it to provide an accurate reading of the overall room conditions.

However, if your thermostat is situated in a spot where it’s exposed to rapid and fluctuating temperature changes, it can lead to constant clicking. Here are some common scenarios that might affect its placement:

  • Exposure to Refrigerator or Freezer: If the thermostat is placed near a refrigerator or freezer and someone frequently leaves the door open for extended periods, the temperature fluctuations can affect the thermostat.
  • Proximity to a Hot Oven: The heat generated by a hot oven in your kitchen can influence the thermostat’s readings, leading to unnecessary clicking.
  • Bathroom or Kitchen Heat: If your thermostat is too close to a bathroom or kitchen that emits heat from showers, baths, or cooking activities, it may detect these heat sources and click in response.
  • Direct Sunlight and Weather Changes: If your thermostat is exposed to direct sunlight or frequently experiences temperature changes due to weather conditions (e.g., sun appearing and disappearing behind clouds), it can lead to clicking as it tries to adjust to these rapid fluctuations.


Relocate the Thermostat The solution to this issue is to move your thermostat to a more suitable location.

Ideally, it should be placed in a central area within your home, not tucked away in a corner. Ensure it is away from the aforementioned issues that can disrupt its temperature readings.

By relocating the thermostat to a more stable and representative position, you can prevent the constant clicking and ensure that it accurately controls your HVAC system based on the true room conditions.

Proper thermostat placement is essential for maintaining a comfortable and energy-efficient indoor environment.

3.A Loss of Power.

One potential cause of your thermostat clicking incessantly is that it’s sending signals for your HVAC system to provide hot or cold air, but it’s not receiving the expected response.

This clicking sound you hear is the thermostat’s relay attempting to initiate the heating or cooling process repeatedly.

The underlying issue here is a lack of power reaching your furnace or air conditioner, even if your thermostat appears to have power, especially in the case of battery-powered thermostats.

Several factors can contribute to this loss of power, including a tripped circuit breaker or issues with the appliances themselves.


Troubleshooting the Power Issue To address this problem, you can take the following steps:

  • Check Circuit Breakers: Start by inspecting your circuit breaker panel. Look for any tripped circuit breakers that may have disrupted the power supply to your HVAC system. If you find a tripped breaker, reset it to restore power.
  • Inspect Furnace and Air Conditioner: If your breakers are all functioning correctly, then it’s time to examine the furnace and air conditioner. Ensure that the pilot light on the furnace is on, as it’s essential for proper heating operation. Additionally, check that all plugs and connections related to your HVAC system are secure in their respective electrical outlets. Loose or disconnected plugs can lead to a loss of power to the equipment.

4.An Interrupted Gas Supply.

For those with a gas furnace, the constant clicking of your thermostat could be due to the thermostat calling for heat, but the furnace not responding as expected.

In this case, the thermostat is trying to initiate the heating process repeatedly, resulting in the clicking sound.

The root cause of this issue may be an interrupted gas supply to your furnace. Gas is essential for the operation of a gas furnace, and if the supply is disrupted, your furnace won’t be able to generate heat in response to the thermostat’s signals.

Also read>>>>Thermostat Not Reaching Set Temperature.


Verify Gas Supply and Safety To address this concern, follow these steps:

  • Check the Gas Supply: Ensure that your gas supply is switched on. Sometimes, the gas supply may be accidentally turned off, preventing your furnace from receiving the fuel it needs to heat your home.
  • Inspect the Furnace’s Power Connection: Make sure that your furnace is properly plugged in and receiving electrical power. An interrupted power supply can also prevent your furnace from functioning.
  • Safety Precaution: If you detect the smell of gas, immediately turn off the gas supply and do not attempt to restart the furnace yourself. The presence of a gas odor may indicate a gas leak, which can be dangerous. In such cases, it’s crucial to prioritize safety and contact a qualified HVAC professional immediately to inspect and address the issue.

5.Dirty Filters

Dirty filters may seem like a minor issue, but they can have a significant impact on your HVAC system, potentially leading to the constant clicking of your thermostat.

The core problem here is blocked airflow, which can have several adverse effects on your system. One of these effects is short cycling, where your HVAC system turns on and off rapidly and more frequently than it should, causing your thermostat to click.

The cause of this issue is the accumulation of dirt, dust, and debris in the air filters within your HVAC system. Over time, these contaminants clog the filters, reducing the airflow and making it difficult for your system to operate efficiently.


Regular Filter Maintenance To address this issue and prevent the clicking of your thermostat, you should follow these steps:

  • Regular Filter Replacement: In most cases, it’s recommended to change your air filters every one to three months, depending on various factors such as the number of occupants, presence of pets, allergies, and other indoor air quality considerations. Regular filter replacement ensures that your HVAC system maintains proper airflow and operates smoothly.
  • Consider Specific Needs: Assess your household’s specific needs and adjust the filter replacement frequency accordingly. If you have pets, allergies, or other factors that contribute to a faster buildup of debris in the filters, you might need to change them more frequently.

6.Dirty Condenser Coil.

The condenser coil, located in the outdoor unit of your air conditioner, is an essential component for effective cooling.

When this coil becomes clogged with dirt and debris, it can obstruct airflow, leading to issues similar to those caused by clogged filters.

A lack of proper airflow can trigger short-cycling, a condition where your air conditioner turns on and off more frequently than necessary, resulting in the clicking sound you hear from your thermostat.

The primary issue here is the accumulation of dirt and debris on the condenser coil, often located behind the metal fins or wiring that covers the outdoor unit.


Outdoor Unit Maintenance To resolve this issue and prevent your thermostat from constantly clicking, follow these steps:

  • Inspect the Outdoor Unit: Start by doing a visual inspection of your air conditioner’s outdoor unit. Look for any obvious damage or signs of clogging around the condenser coil.
  • Clean the Condenser Coil: Use a coil cleaning brush to clean the condenser coil, removing dirt and debris. Additionally, you can use a fin comb to straighten out any bent or warped fins on the unit. These tools are readily available, and you can find them at your local hardware store or online.
  • Hose Down the Coils: Gently hose down the coils to remove any remaining dirt. Once the coils are wet, apply a generous amount of foaming coil cleaner. The cleaner will work to lift dust and debris from the coils. Depending on the type of cleaner you use, you may not need to rinse it off. Always follow the directions on the product’s label.

Also read>>>Thermostat Turned Off But Still Blowing Air.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why is my thermostat clicking constantly?

Answer: The constant clicking of your thermostat could be due to several reasons. The most common causes include dead or dying batteries, an improperly placed thermostat, an interrupted power supply, or dirty air filters or a dirty condenser coil. Identifying and addressing the specific issue can resolve the clicking problem.

What should I do if my thermostat clicks because of dead or dying batteries?

Answer: If your thermostat is battery-powered and clicks due to dead or dying batteries, the solution is straightforward. Replace the batteries with fresh ones, typically of the same type, and monitor the clicking situation. If the clicking has ceased, you have successfully identified and resolved the problem. Regularly changing batteries is essential for proper thermostat function.

My thermostat is clicking, and it’s not due to dead batteries. What could be the issue?

Answer: If the clicking persists and it’s not due to battery problems, other common causes could include improper thermostat placement, a loss of power to your HVAC system, or an interrupted gas supply. To resolve these issues, consider relocating your thermostat to a suitable location, checking circuit breakers and power connections, and ensuring the gas supply is on, respectively.

How can I prevent my thermostat from clicking due to dirty filters or a dirty condenser coil?

Answer: To prevent your thermostat from clicking due to dirty air filters or a dirty condenser coil, you should follow these maintenance steps:

  • Regularly replace air filters every one to three months, depending on your specific needs.
  • For the outdoor unit, inspect for damage, clean the condenser coil using a coil cleaning brush, straighten any bent fins with a fin comb, hose down the coils, and use a foaming coil cleaner following the product’s instructions. This maintenance should ideally be conducted annually, either at the beginning or end of the cooling season.


As with so many HVAC problems, there are many reasons why your thermostat might be clicking. Some of them are simple fixes and some are cause for concern.

Solutions range from changing batteries or filters to needing an HVAC pro or electrician. But hopefully, the info above can point you in the right direction. And ultimately save you some money.